Zahra is a 50-year-old custodian who has become frail. However, she still supports her family. In addition to that, she has a daughter who has two daughters and married to a paralyzed husband due to the terrible accident he had. Therefore, she became responsible for her daughter and two granddaughters. Pity that the crisis in Yemen made it more difficult for her. Zahra has expressed her great suffer from the financial difficulties she was going through which led her to force her granddaughters to leave school in fear of the requirements they would need when starting school. Lightening the burden that Zahra has been carrying, the AGF fuor Development asked Zahra to bring back her seventh-grade and first grade daughters to school as the AGF will sponsor the expense needed, such as notebooks , books, bags,,,etc to. rejoin school. This was done based on the foundation's belief in building a conscious community and empowering and educating girls. This comes within the framework of ' Return to Schools' campaign implemented by the institution under the slogan "My School Bells have rung"