Emergency Response for Saving IDPs Coming from Bani Hasan -
Hajjah Governorate to Hodeidah Governorate Due to Increasing Armed Conflicts


  • 2019

  1. 130943

    Targeted group

  • The displaced

  1. 130942


  1. 130941


  • Providing shelter and non-food items solutions for the most vulnerable groups in environments suitable for housing to preserve dignity.
  • Ensuring access to basic services by the most vulnerable women and men living in collective centers and random settlements.​


  • Distributing (200) sets of ES kits to individuals affected by the conflict from IDPs from Bani Hassan, Hajjah Governorate
  • Distributing (200) sets of NFI kits to individuals affected by the conflict from IDPs from Bani Hassan, Hajjah Governorate.