My Rights… My Responsibility Project


  • 2012

  1. 90558

    Targeted Group

  • Sana’a, Ibb and Hadramout governorates (2 schools in each governorate (one male school and the other female school).

  1. 90557


  1. 90556


  • Raise awareness of human rights among youth.
  • Call for equality between people In all rights regardless of gender and race.
  • Work to reduce violations and gender-based violence.


  • More than (7433) Students have benefited from the project in all targeted schools in the governorates.
  • (15) Students’ activities have been implemented by human rights clubs in targeted schools which were as follows:-
  • (6) Printed Wall magazines, which contain special topics on human rights, and pasted in (6) schools.
  • ( 4) School Morning programs given during the morning assembly on awareness topics in the field of the human rights from which more than (2000) Student benefited.
  • ( 3) workshops to raise awareness of some human rights concepts, attended by (40) students of primary and high education.
  • A workshop to raise awareness of some child rights concepts, attended by (53) female teachers.
  • Conducting a competition for female students containing questions in the field of human rights and distributing prizes to the winners during the morning assembly in the presence of approximately (1500) students.
  • One of the student clubs provided a morning program for a number of non-targeted schools that included human rights concepts.
  • (4) Banner magazines prepared and printed, that contain some concepts of human rights and women rights and children in particular. The wall  magazines were posted in two schools, and (2000) school students have benefited from the activity indirectly.
  • (2) Field visits to schools to educate students in some of the concepts of human rights where a discussion session was held and awards distributed to the students. Nearly (80) students have benefited.
  • (2) lectures on the concepts of human rights, one of which was carried out in collaboration with the Democracy Institution in Hadramout, (80) students have benefited.
  • Organizing an event aimed at publicizing the rights of the child, including a theater scene on violations against children. Moreover,  a video clip on the most important rights of the child was displayed. and the distribution of 200 human rights  brochures.
  • A play was conducted on women's rights, especially their right to education.