Financial Inclusion of Women in Yemen


  • 2018

  1. 90643

    Targeted Group

  • 25 women with limited income

  1. 90642


  1. 90641


Empowering 25 low-income women to acquire sewing skills, life skills and small-scale project management


First Activity: A sewing Course:
  •  Training the trainees on mechanisms of cutting .
  •  Introducing all trainees to all kinds of fabrics.
  •  Introducing all trainees to all kinds of sewing. 
  •  Mastering all kinds of sewing models, including wedding dresses.
Second Activity: Life skills for business entrepreneurship (Financial Inclusion):
  •  Training  25 female trainees of limited income on financial life- skills

​Third Activity: Feasibility Study and small-scale project Management

  •  training of 25 women with stumbling projects on how to start projects with the feasibility study of projects and how to apply to their stumbling projects.